Social Economics Final Research Paper

       FINAL PROJECT       
Research Paper Criteria

1. Choose a subject of social concern, which is of interest to you.

2. Research, utilizing a minimum of 4 sources (newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, interviews, etc.).  All sources will be from 2010 or later. At minimum of one source must be from somewhere other than the Internet. Be aware – Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for this paper.

3. Procedure:
A. Identify the problem.
B. Explore/examine the economics components therein (i.e. opportunity costs, demand/supply issues, government intervention, allocation of resources, various types of economies, etc.)
 C. Discuss possible solutions
                 Explain why solutions are not possible.

4. This is a research paper, which may include opinions based on facts found in your research.

5. Your paper needs to be 4 - 7 pages in length, exclusive of the title and bibliography pages.

6. 2 days of in-class research time will be available to you – January 7/9 – January 8/10.
7. Papers are due at the beginning of class on January 13 (A) and January 14 (B). Late papers will be accepted, with a 10% penalty. EXCEPTIONS MUST BE ARRANGED NO LATER THAN JANUARY 10 !!!  Notes from parents do not provide excuses. Feel free to call/text/email me if you have an emergency.

8. Historically, papers must be presented in order to be eligible for an “A”.  However, because of the number of students in each class, presentation time will not be available. Therefore, those who wish to attempt to achieve an “A” on the paper will need to cite an additional three sources, with a minimum paper-length of 6 pages – maximum length of 9 pages.

9. To be eligible for full credit, papers must be typed and include a complete bib sheet. Hard copy is required - papers may not be emailed. Please do not use a plastic cover. Since the subject is Social Economics, each paper must examine the economic implications of a social problem.  Include as many of the following as possible:
§   Scarcity
§   Resources/ Resource Allocation
§   Opportunity Costs
§   Market
§   Command
§   Tradition
§   Demand/Supply
§   Government Intervention
§   Other economic terminology you have learned

10. Plagiarism is a serious issue. Please do not put either one of us in a position to have to deal with it. Your work must be your own work; information must have proper citation in the body of the document, as well as a bibliography reference.

11. This paper is your final exam for this course; it must be completed and turned in for you to receive a grade for the class. 
If you do not do this paper, you will not graduate.



Research Paper Suggestions

                        Homelessness                                  Timber
                        Adoption                                           Drug Abuse
                        Child Care                                         Energy
                        Child Abuse                                      Censorship
                        National Health Insurance                Unemployment
                        Illiteracy                                            Medical Ethics
                        Abortion                                            Medicaid
                        Pollution                                            Racism
                        Alcoholism                                        Poverty
                        Salmon Fishing                                 Gambling


                        Promptness                 10        Social Component
                                                                                  Articulation                  10
                        Length                         10                    Comprehensiveness   10       
                        Bibliography/Sources  10        Economic Component           
                                                                              Articulation              15
                        Extended Length           12                    Comprehensiveness  15

                        Composition                8          Total                                        100

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