PBS News Hour
Critical Viewing - Requirements
Economics Fall Semester 2024
YOU CHOOSE the date of the 2nd NewsHour - any date since November 1
- If you have not yet completed NewsHour #1, do it NOW. DON'T WAIT! Then, do NewsHour #2!
- Like NH #1, the 2nd NewsHour requires TWO segments. You choose which NewsHour to watch and assess - any NewsHour that has aired since November 1 is fine for you to choose, so look through and see which one appeals to you the most. And turn it in NO LATER than 11:59 pm, Sunday January 12. NO EXCUSES - NO EXTENSIONS.
**WANT EXTRA CREDIT?? Complete and turn in NH #2 by midnight January 1 for 20% more!**
Not looking for extra credit? No worries - turn in NH#2 NO LATER THAN 11:59PM Sunday January 12th!
(Did YOU do one of the NewsHour #2 Debate Options? Then you are done - yay!)
CLICK HERE to go to PBS NewsHour - scroll down the righthand side to see the calendar of available dates
The NewsHour program will be viewed and critically assessed according to the listed criteria. The assessment will be worth up to 50 points.
**The NewsHour assignment requires only the TWO segments we view during class. TWO paragraphs (one for each segment) would be the minimum for your paper. **
THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE BY MIDNIGHT, October 21 (A-day Classes)/October 22 (B-Day Classes).
Please turn in through Canvas, under the module NewsHour
Here are the directions:
Each NewsHour program contains several major segments.
Analyze each segment separately (two segments linked here):
1. Create a summary of the main points; and
2. Identify specific economic aspects of the report, i.e. scarcity, allocation
of resources, opportunity cost, demand/supply,
government intervention, market, command,
tradition, etc. (e.g. “This is an example of scarcity
- Resources
- Scarcity
- Opportunity Costs
- Resource Allocation
- Tradition
- Government Intervention (Command)
- Market
- Demand
- Supply
[This is the BIGGEST part of the assessment!]
A suggested approach is to take notes while viewing the videos, and create your analysis from those notes. Most of these assignments are between 1 and 3 pages in length.
Everyone will view the selected segments from the October 14, 2024 NewsHour. The assessment will be due by
***MIDNIGHT October 21/22***
Please turn in through Canvas, under the module NewsHour
CLICK HERE for Colleges Reaching Out to Rural Kids
CLICK HERE for Election Strategies 3 Weeks Out
<< Don't want to turn it in on time?
Final (late) date for the NewsHour submission is
11:59 pm January 12 –
work after that date WILL NOT be accepted.>>
Please turn in through Canvas, under the module NewsHour
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