NewsHour Criteria

PBS News Hour

Critical Viewing - Requirements

Economics Fall Semester 2024


The NewsHour program will be viewed and critically assessed according to the listed criteria. The assessment will be worth up to 50 points.

**The NewsHour assignment requires only the TWO segments we view during class. TWO paragraphs (one for each segment) would be the minimum for your paper. **

THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE BY MIDNIGHT, October 21 (A-day Classes)/October 22 (B-Day Classes). 

Please turn in through Canvas, under the module NewsHour

Here are the directions:

Each NewsHour program contains several major segments.

Analyze each segment separately (two segments linked here):

1.    Create a summary of the main points; and   

2.  Identify specific economic aspects of the report, i.e. scarcity, allocation of resources, opportunity cost, demand/supply, government intervention, market, command, tradition, etc. (e.g. “This is an example of scarcity because...”)

Economic aspects may include
  • Resources
  • Scarcity
  • Opportunity Costs
  • Resource Allocation
  • Tradition
  • Government Intervention (Command)
  • Market
  • Demand
  • Supply 

[This is the BIGGEST part of the assessment!]

A suggested approach is to take notes while viewing the videos, and create your analysis from those notes. Most of these assignments are between 1 and 3 pages in length.

 Everyone will view the selected segments from the October  14, 2024 NewsHour. The assessment will be due by

***MIDNIGHT October 21/22***

Please turn in through Canvas, under the module NewsHour


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<< Don't want to turn it in on time? 

Final (late) date for the NewsHour submission is 

11:59 pm  January 6 – 

work after that date WILL NOT be accepted.>>


 Please turn in through Canvas, under the module NewsHour

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